Nurses and burnout syndrome


  • Zarema Obradović Institute for Public Health of Canton Sarajevo, Mustafe Pintola 1/III, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Faculty for Health Studies University of Sarajevo, Bolnička 25, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Amina Obradović PhD student of Faculty of Health Care and Social Work, Univerzitne namestie 1, Trnava, Slovakia.
  • Ifeta Ćesir Škoro Regional Medical Center “Dr Safet Mujić”, Maršala Tita 294, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina



burnout syndrome, nurses, factors


Introduction: The work of nurses is human. They help people in protection against diseases. Nurses are the largest group of health workers and all problems that appear in the health system are first recognized among them. Burnout syndrome appears among nurses very frequently. We present the leading factors for burnout among nurses in RMC „Dr Safet Mujic“ in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Methods: It is a cross sectional descriptive study. We used an anonymous questionnaire with 20 questions. Our sample was random with 30% of all nurses which were working in this Medical Center in January-February 2012.

Results: In our study 77.9% nurses work in the hospital. 52% have over 16 years of work experience. 34.6% of examinees are satisfi ed with interpersonal relationships, 31.7 % are satisfi ed with relationships with the superior. Motivation for work have 51% of examinees, a big number comes unwilling on work.
For 83.7% overtime work is the reason for dissatisfaction 71.2% examinees think that they can't make progress on work. A high percentage of examinees doesn't think about problems related to work outside working hours, a good sleep have 38.5% and 56.7% wakes up tired. Many of examinees are not satisfied
with workplace, and 58.7% would like to change it.

Conclusion: Nurses employed in RMC „Dr Safet Mujic“ Mostar are exposed to many factors during work which can cause the burnout syndrome. It is necessary to expand the study on a larger group of nurses and to implement the measures for reducing risks of burnout syndrome.


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Research articles

How to Cite

Nurses and burnout syndrome. JHSCI [Internet]. 2013 Apr. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];3(1):60-4. Available from: