Effects of improper posture during work on lumbal pain syndrome of discogenic etiology


  • Eldad Kaljić Fakultet zdravstvenih studija Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Bolnička 25. 71000 Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina




Lumbar pain syndrome, inadequate position for work, inadequate equipment for work


Introduction: Lumbar pain syndrome is the most common cause of why patients, especially the active ones, are reported to physicians. It is manifested as nonspecific or non-radicular lumbar pain syndrome which is not associated with neurological symptoms, and specific which is associated with spinal nerve root compression. Aims of this study were to determine correlation between inadequate equipment and improper position for work with disk caused lumbar pain syndrome.
Methods: The study included 913 patients who have visited the Community-based rehabilitation ambulance "Praxis" due to low back pain syndrome and verified disc hernia in the five year period. Lumbar pain syndrome was diagnosed by clinical examination (history, inspection, palpation, Lasegue sign, neurologic and motoric dysfunction tests), then radiologic diagnostic methods (CT, MRI). The data about inadequate equipment and position during work were obtained in interview with  patients.
Results: Lumbar pain syndrome is most common among workers (268 or 29.35%), followed by officials (239 or 26.17%). With the conducted research we determine that all the patients had inadequate equipment and the position of labor and weak abdominal and spinal muscles.
Conclusion: Based on research conducted through the before mentioned variables, we can determine not only the association, but a strong influence of inadequate equipment and improper position for work to the occurrence of disk caused lumbar pain syndrome.


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How to Cite

Effects of improper posture during work on lumbal pain syndrome of discogenic etiology. JHSCI [Internet]. 2011 Apr. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];1(1):36-8. Available from: https://jhsci.ba/ojs/index.php/jhsci/article/view/8